Utility Closet

This Grover Beach Client has a pantry and utility closet in the same hallway off the kitchen. The utility closet was being underutilized and the pantry was home to several non-food items. I installed two shelving units in the utility closet the Client had on hand that were not being used. All non-food items (towels, table cloths, humidifier, small travel accessories, etc) were either relocated to other areas in the house that made sense (for example the humidifier which is used primarily in bedrooms was moved to the upstairs bathroom to be more readily available when needed and the travel accessories were stashed in suitcases) or moved into the utility closet. This not only freed up more shelving space in the small pantry, but it created a system where not often used items are stored in a place that makes sense so time won’t be wasted searching for the items when they are needed. The final result is a functional utility closet whose small space is maximized. I love that the Client was able to use shelves she already had and nothing new was purchased for this transformation. 

AFTER (In my excitement to get started on this project I forgot to take a before picture!)

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