One of my favorite things is organizing laundry rooms. Maybe it is because my laundry is in the garage and it seems so luxurious to have an actual laundry room? Maybe it is because laundry is an inevitable chore that can be made much more bearable by having a super functional, clutter free space? Whatever the reason, organizing this laundry room was a blast! I pulled all the overflow cleaning supplies (A LOT!) out of the cabinets and placed them together on one open shelf so the Client could easily see what extras she had to keep her from unnecessarily buying more. One of my biggest tips for Clients is to avoid stockpiling supplies. Especially if you are short on storage space! How many backups do you truly need? Will you run out of a certain item before your next trip to the store from which you buy it? Do you know where your backup items are stored or do you find yourself buying more because you forgot where you stashed the extras you bought before? Think about how much space in your house is dedicated to storing extra items that you might not even need for months (or years!). Let the store be your storage! Similarly, try to keep overflow items near where they are used. In this laundry room I consolidated like items and grouped them together to make the space more cohesive. Items are now easily visible in the cabinets, cleaning supplies are easily retrievable, backups are obvious and close at hand.