This Grover Beach Client was my first Kid-Client. I loved working with the almost-5-year-old big sister. She wanted to transform her long, narrow play closet into a space for play for both herself and her little brother (baby sister isn’t quite playing yet!). It was already a pretty fun spot but being a slightly odd shape, it was too cluttered to allow a lot of creativity. The Kid-Client’s willingness to let things go to create space for the things she loves most was impressive! We left the larger play stations in the closet, separating the space into three sections as if it was a house. All the smaller items were rehoused to just outside the two closet doors. Using a cubed shelving unit from another room, we designated a different spot for each type of toy. This system is child-friendly. Things are easily found, used, and returned. Because the toys are in obvious groups (dolls, doll clothes, trucks, etc) kids can keep it tidy even though they can’t read yet. I am actually not a huge fan of labelling things. I find it becomes a hindrance when you want to repurpose containers-often the label doesn’t get changed or even removed which just adds to more overwhelm when you are looking for an item. Also, having to take a quick peak into a container is a good way to keep in mind what items you have stored away. This helps you locate them when you need them and helps prevent buying something you already have down the road.